Monday, October 13, 2014



"Decisions determine destiny." -President Monson

Well, sure enough I got to watch conference this week! So great! After conference I looked through my notes and wrote down a few principles/themes that reoccured throughout conference. I also wrote down a list of revelation specifically to me of things that I could change and do better. Let's just say, the list was about double of what I was expecting. Which is humbling and awesome because it gives me room to stretch and grow! It was cool, I had never looked back through my notes like I did before yesterday, but it was a really great way to look back at the talks and I learned even more and received even more revelation! A few of the things I wrote down: 
Prophets! Our church is led through a prophet of God who hold the authority to act in His name. Let us not forget the importance of this principle seeing as the legitimacy of our church rests on it! Thomas S. Monson is the man!!! 
Decision making!!! Because God loves us we can "seek Him" and we "will find".  Our decisions and actions determine our destiny! The prophets and apostles touched very well on how to make good, wise, well-directed, and educated decisions.  
Testimony!!! A testimony is not a once and done experience. It comes through our continual study, effort, prayer, and experience. Our testimony is never done growing. If you don't already know that this church is true, bring what you DO know to be true and put our churches message to the test. 
We need to care for the poor and needy. Regardless of whether we are rich, poor, or in between, we need to impart of our substance. And there are many many more that I didn't even touch on. Some of my favorite talks were President Uchtdorf's Saturday Morning, Elder Christofferson, Elder Klebingat, Elder Cook, and Elder Scott. But to be honest, they were all incredible!!! Loved it so much. 
This week went well. One night we woke up to realize that we had left our deck window open. We literally had mosquitoes everywhere. So for morning exercise and as we prepared for the day we had a war with the mosquitoes. Literally we probably killed 75 mosquitoes that day. I got bit in some not cool places and lets just say there are a few blood stains on our wall paper from the after math. Needless to say, we take extra precautions now at night to make sure all the windows are closed and locked and that our fans are blowing to annoy them and that our little mosquito repellers are on!!! haha Also this week while proselyting, we had a woman come up to us and say "foreigner!". This isn't that weird here, but we started talking to her and she said she needed help. We were about a 45 minute walk from the church but we called the sisters and they said they had time to meet her. Well why am I telling you this? Because her story (that we found out as we were walking) was/is crazy. She is a little bit older and grew up in Japan and hates Korean people (but is Korean). Her husband doesnt live with her anymore due to the fact that he does/has done "some bad stuff".  Her son lives in Germany and she wanted us to help her write a letter in English and send it to him. But we couldn't write any names and she couldn't contact him by phone or computer or he would "know where she was and she could be in danger of dying". She also offered to donate 100,000$ to the church if we helped her. Needless to say, according to our missionary rules, we of course couldn't really help her, but we think her son or husband might be into some sketchy stuff (maybe mafia?;) haha). So we unfortunately bid her on her way and blew the story WAY out of proportion among ourselves! haha Fun times! We have one investigator right now who is working to overcome his alcohol and cigarette addiction. He literally says he hates himself for it. So we are working with him to overcome that. Also we got transfer calls this week, Elder Hansen will be going to my old area Ill San and I will be staying here. My new companion will be a Korean, Kim Tae Hyun! I'm pretty excited. Don't know much about him so I will tell you more next week! But the work is going well! Gotta love the Koreans! The church is true!

-Elder Hobson

Tyler found his sister's place :)
An alley in Korea, not typical of his area
Elder Hobson and Elder Hansen

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